Visit New Belgium Brewery


I’m delighted to introduce you to the fascinating world of New Belgium Brewery. As a beer enthusiast, I’ve had the pleasure of exploring the diverse range of craft beers offered by New Belgium Brewery, and I’m excited to share my insights with you.


As I dive into the history of New Belgium Brewery, I’m struck by the incredible journey that has brought this brewery to where it is today. It all started back in 1991 when co-founders Kim Jordan and Jeff Lebesch decided to transform their passion for homebrewing into a full-fledged brewery. What began as a small operation in their basement soon expanded into a thriving business that has left a lasting mark on the craft beer industry.

New Belgium Brewery’s commitment to innovation and sustainability has been evident since its early days. The brewery’s flagship beer, Fat Tire Amber Ale, quickly gained popularity and set the stage for a portfolio of beloved brews. Beyond crafting exceptional beers, New Belgium has been a trailblazer in sustainable brewing practices, becoming a Certified B Corporation and leading the way in environmental stewardship within the industry.

One of the most remarkable aspects of New Belgium’s history is its employee ownership model. In 2013, the brewery became 100% employee-owned, a move that solidified its dedication to fostering a positive work culture and ensuring that everyone has a stake in the company’s success.

Fast forward to today, and New Belgium Brewery’s impact extends far beyond the boundaries of its Fort Collins, Colorado, headquarters. With a second location in Asheville, North Carolina, the brewery continues to push the boundaries of craft beer while staying true to its core values.

Founding of New Belgium Brewery

As I delve into the history of New Belgium Brewery, I can’t help but be amazed by its humble beginnings. The brewery was founded by Jeff Lebesch and Kim Jordan in their basement in 1991, and it has since grown into a renowned craft brewery that has made significant contributions to the industry.

One of the most notable aspects of New Belgium Brewery’s history is its commitment to sustainability. From the early days, the brewery has placed a strong emphasis on environmental stewardship, becoming a pioneer in sustainable brewing practices. This dedication is evident in their state-of-the-art facility, which boasts features such as solar panels and a water treatment plant.

Moreover, New Belgium Brewery has played a pivotal role in popularizing sour beers in the United States. The brewery’s expertise in crafting exceptional sour ales has earned it a well-deserved reputation as a trailblazer in this niche.

Throughout its history, New Belgium Brewery has remained true to its core values of quality, innovation, and community. This unwavering commitment has solidified its position as a beloved and influential player in the craft beer industry.

Early Challenges and Growth

As I delve into the history of New Belgium Brewery, I can’t help but be amazed by its journey to success. The story of the brewery’s origins in a basement and its evolution into a craft beer powerhouse is a testament to the founders’ vision and passion for brewing.

It’s fascinating to learn about how New Belgium Brewery has not only grown in scale but also maintained its commitment to sustainability. The brewery’s green initiatives, such as the use of solar panels and water treatment facilities, showcase its dedication to reducing its environmental impact.

Furthermore, New Belgium Brewery’s influence on the craft beer landscape cannot be overstated. The brewery’s innovative approach to brewing, particularly in popularizing sour beers, has left an indelible mark on the industry.

As I reflect on New Belgium Brewery’s history, I am struck by its unwavering dedication to quality, innovation, and community. The brewery’s story is one of perseverance, innovation, and a deep-rooted commitment to its principles, making it an inspiration to beer enthusiasts and aspiring brewers alike.

Beer Production

When it comes to beer production, New Belgium Brewery has set a high standard in the craft beer industry. From their humble beginnings in a basement to their current status as a leading craft beer producer, New Belgium Brewery has consistently prioritized quality and innovation.

One of the most impressive aspects of New Belgium Brewery’s production process is their unwavering commitment to sustainability. The brewery has implemented eco-friendly practices, such as harnessing solar energy and utilizing water treatment facilities, to minimize their environmental impact. This dedication to sustainability not only reflects the brewery’s values but also sets an example for other beer producers to follow.

Additionally, New Belgium Brewery’s embrace of innovative brewing techniques has significantly contributed to the diversity of craft beer offerings. Their pioneering efforts in popularizing sour beers have played a pivotal role in shaping the craft beer landscape, earning them a well-deserved reputation for pushing boundaries and challenging traditional brewing norms.

As I learn more about the beer production process at New Belgium Brewery, I am struck by their holistic approach to brewing. They prioritize not only the quality of their beers but also the impact of their operations on the environment and the community. It’s this comprehensive outlook that sets New Belgium Brewery apart and makes their beers an embodiment of craftsmanship and conscientiousness.

Popular Brews

When it comes to beer production, New Belgium Brewery stands as a shining example of innovation and quality. The brewery’s commitment to crafting exceptional beers while prioritizing sustainability has set a standard for the industry.

One of the most fascinating aspects of New Belgium Brewery’s beer production is its use of cutting-edge technology combined with traditional brewing methods. The brewery’s state-of-the-art facilities, equipped with modern brewing equipment, ensure consistency in the quality of its beers while staying true to the art of brewing.

What sets New Belgium Brewery apart is its dedication to sustainable practices throughout the beer production process. From sourcing local ingredients to implementing energy-efficient brewing techniques, the brewery has set a benchmark for eco-friendly production.

Another notable feature of New Belgium Brewery’s beer production is its emphasis on experimentation and creativity. The brewery’s renowned lineup of beers, from the iconic Fat Tire Amber Ale to the adventurous sour ales, showcases its willingness to push boundaries and explore new flavors.

As a beer enthusiast, I’ve always been impressed by New Belgium Brewery’s approach to beer production. The brewery’s unwavering commitment to quality, sustainability, and innovation shines through in every sip of their meticulously crafted beers.

Sustainability Practices

When it comes to beer production, New Belgium Brewery is truly a standout in the industry. Their dedication to sustainability and quality is evident in every step of the brewing process, from ingredient sourcing to packaging.

One of the most impressive aspects of New Belgium Brewery’s beer production is their use of innovative techniques, such as their wood cellar for aging sour beers. This unique approach sets them apart and adds a distinct character to their brews.

Moreover, the brewery’s commitment to using organic ingredients and reducing water usage showcases their environmentally conscious mindset. It’s refreshing to see a brewery prioritize sustainability without compromising on flavor or quality.

As a beer lover, I appreciate New Belgium Brewery’s efforts to continually innovate and experiment with new flavors. Their seasonal releases and collaboration brews are always eagerly anticipated by craft beer enthusiasts, myself included.

Community Engagement

Community engagement is a crucial aspect of New Belgium Brewery’s identity. As a dedicated beer enthusiast, I’ve always admired their proactive approach to involving the local community in their endeavors. Whether it’s through organizing charity events, supporting local artists, or partnering with nearby businesses, New Belgium consistently demonstrates a deep commitment to giving back.

One of the most remarkable community initiatives by New Belgium Brewery is their involvement in sustainability programs and advocacy. They actively participate in environmental education and conservation efforts, inspiring the community to adopt eco-friendly practices. Their commitment goes beyond brewing exceptional beer; it extends to nurturing a strong and conscientious community.

Furthermore, New Belgium Brewery frequently hosts tours, tastings, and special events, inviting locals and tourists alike to experience the brewery firsthand. This open engagement creates a welcoming atmosphere and fosters a sense of belonging within the community. As a patron, I’ve had the pleasure of attending some of these events and have always been impressed by the brewery’s dedication to creating an inclusive environment.

Partnerships and Events

Community engagement is a core value at New Belgium Brewery. They actively participate in various initiatives to support and give back to the community. Whether it’s through local events, fundraisers, or partnerships with non-profit organizations, New Belgium Brewery is dedicated to making a positive impact beyond the boundaries of their brewery.

Through their philanthropic efforts, New Belgium Brewery has established itself as a community-centric organization. They understand the importance of building strong relationships with the community and strive to be a good neighbor by contributing to local causes and supporting community development projects.

  • One of the initiatives that resonates with me personally is their support for environmental conservation programs. Their commitment to sustainability extends beyond their brewing operations and spills over into community initiatives focused on protecting the environment, which is truly commendable.
  • Additionally, their involvement in local arts and cultural events adds vibrancy to the community, creating opportunities for residents and visitors to come together and celebrate creativity and diversity.
  • Moreover, New Belgium Brewery’s dedication to promoting responsible drinking and hosting educational events on beer appreciation fosters a culture of mindful consumption within the community.

As someone who appreciates not only the quality of their beer but also the values they stand for, I find New Belgium Brewery’s commitment to community engagement to be a key factor that sets them apart in the craft beer industry.

Commitment to Social Responsibility

Community engagement at New Belgium Brewery goes beyond just making great beer. It’s about being an active participant in creating a positive impact in the community. Whether it’s through supporting environmental conservation programs, promoting responsible drinking, or getting involved in local arts and cultural events, New Belgium Brewery’s dedication to the community is truly commendable.

The brewery’s commitment to sustainability doesn’t stop at their brewing operations. They also invest in community initiatives focused on protecting the environment, showcasing their genuine dedication to environmental conservation.

Furthermore, their involvement in local arts and cultural events adds vibrancy to the community, creating opportunities for residents and visitors to come together and celebrate creativity and diversity.

By promoting responsible drinking and hosting educational events on beer appreciation, New Belgium Brewery fosters a culture of mindful consumption within the community. This dedication to promoting responsible drinking not only sets a positive example but also educates the community on the importance of moderation and appreciation of quality craft beer.

For me, New Belgium Brewery’s commitment to community engagement is a key factor that sets them apart in the craft beer industry. It’s not just about the beer; it’s about the values and the positive impact they strive to create beyond the boundaries of their brewery.


As we wrap up our exploration of New Belgium Brewery, it’s clear that their impact extends far beyond the production of great beer. Their dedication to environmental conservation, support for local arts and cultural events, and promotion of responsible drinking has truly set them apart in the craft beer industry.

It’s inspiring to see a brewery go the extra mile to invest in community initiatives and promote sustainability. By engaging in meaningful ways with their local community, New Belgium Brewery has become a beacon of positive influence, and I personally find their commitment to community engagement to be a significant factor in my appreciation for their brand.