Top 5 Facts About Stella Artois

Stella Artois, the Belgian beer that is loved and enjoyed by beer enthusiasts worldwide, holds a special place in my heart. As a beer lover myself, I have always been fascinated by the rich history and unique characteristics of this iconic brew. In this article, I will delve deep into the top 5 facts about Stella Artois, while also sharing my personal experiences and commentary along the way.

The Origins of Stella Artois

Stella Artois was first brewed in the year 1366 in the town of Leuven, Belgium. Originally crafted as a holiday beer for Christmas and New Year’s celebrations, Stella Artois quickly gained popularity and became a year-round favorite. The name “Stella Artois” actually means “star of Artois,” paying tribute to its birthplace.

Personally, I find the rich history of Stella Artois to be captivating. It’s amazing to think that a beer that has been enjoyed for centuries is still beloved by so many today.

The “Chalice” Glass

One of the most distinctive features of Stella Artois is its iconic glassware, known as the “chalice.” The chalice glass, with its elegant shape and gold rim, is designed to enhance the drinking experience by preserving the beer’s flavor and aroma. The unique stem on the chalice also prevents the warmth of your hand from affecting the temperature of the beer.

Drinking Stella Artois from the chalice glass truly elevates the experience. It’s like holding a work of art in your hand while savoring the beer’s crisp and refreshing taste.

The Perfect Pour

When it comes to serving Stella Artois, the perfect pour is key. To achieve this, it is recommended to tilt the chalice glass at a 45-degree angle while pouring the beer. As the glass fills up halfway, you should then straighten the chalice and pour the rest of the beer down the middle, allowing for the formation of the characteristic foam head.

I must admit, mastering the art of the perfect pour took some practice, but once I got the hang of it, it added a whole new level of enjoyment to my Stella Artois experience. There’s something incredibly satisfying about watching the foam settle and taking that first sip of perfectly poured beer.

Stella Artois Cidre

While Stella Artois is primarily known for its lager, the brand also offers a refreshing alternative – Stella Artois Cidre. Made from hand-picked apples, Stella Artois Cidre is a crisp and fruity cider that provides a delightful alternative for those looking to switch things up.

Personally, I enjoy the balance of sweet and tart flavors in Stella Artois Cidre. It’s a refreshing choice for those warm summer evenings or whenever I’m in the mood for something different from the usual beer.

Stella Artois Supports Clean Water Initiatives

One aspect of Stella Artois that I truly admire is its commitment to making a positive impact on the world. Through their partnership with, Stella Artois has helped provide access to clean water to millions of people in developing countries. With every limited-edition Stella Artois chalice sold, a donation is made to support’s efforts.

Knowing that by enjoying a delicious beer, I am also contributing to a worthy cause makes me appreciate Stella Artois even more. It’s a win-win situation that allows me to enjoy my favorite brew while making a difference in the lives of others.


As I reflect on the top 5 facts about Stella Artois, one thing becomes clear – this beer is more than just a beverage. It is a symbol of tradition, craftsmanship, and a commitment to excellence. From its rich history to its distinct glassware, Stella Artois offers a unique drinking experience that cannot be replicated.

Whether you’re sipping it from a chalice or enjoying a refreshing cider, Stella Artois has a way of capturing the hearts of beer lovers around the world. So, the next time you raise your glass, take a moment to appreciate the depth of flavor and the stories that have been woven into every drop of this timeless brew.